Fishbone Bass Testimonials:
“…the Fishbone is far and away the best bass I have ever played…the Fishbone is in another league”
“The neck is fantastic…very comfortable and super fast fingering”
“I checked every note on the neck a found not a single dead spot.”
“The center of gravity seems to be right at the heel of the neck, so the bass balances perfectly”
“Attention to details in the crafting of the instrument is above the standards of many of the “bass art” boutiques I have seen. Fishbone is a bass first and foremost; and the art and craft support the function of the bass.”
“sound is very full and rich with exceptional clarity on all strings, even the B string”
“excellent sustain, the best I have heard…”
“isolated strings eliminate much of the cross-resonance among strings, which leads to easier muting. The strings really feel and play isolated”
“complex riffs on the B and E strings, with every note clear”
-Michael Forte